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Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19

Kory et al., American Journal of Therapeutics, doi:10.1097/MJT.0000000000001377
Apr 2021  
  Source   PDF   All Studies   Meta AnalysisMeta
Ivermectin for COVID-19
4th treatment shown to reduce risk in August 2020
*, now with p < 0.00000000001 from 105 studies, recognized in 23 countries.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments. * >10% efficacy, ≥3 studies.
4,800+ studies for 95 treatments.
Review of ivermectin trials and epidemiological data, concluding that ivermectin is effective for prophylaxis and treatment, and should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
An update notes potentially inaccurate data collection and/or reporting in some sources1.
Reviews covering ivermectin for COVID-19 include2-45.
Kory et al., 30 Apr 2021, peer-reviewed, 5 authors.
This PaperIvermectinAll
Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19
MD Pierre Kory, MD Gianfranco Umberto Meduri, MD Joseph Varon, DO Jose Iglesias, MD Paul E Marik, Jose Iglesias Analysis
Background: After COVID-19 emerged on U.S shores, providers began reviewing the emerging basic science, translational, and clinical data to identify potentially effective treatment options. In addition, a multitude of both novel and repurposed therapeutic agents were used empirically and studied within clinical trials. Areas of Uncertainty: The majority of trialed agents have failed to provide reproducible, definitive proof of efficacy in reducing the mortality of COVID-19 with the exception of corticosteroids in moderate to severe disease. Recently, evidence has emerged that the oral antiparasitic agent ivermectin exhibits numerous antiviral and anti-inflammatory mechanisms with trial results reporting significant outcome benefits. Given some have not passed peer review, several expert groups including Unitaid/World Health Organization have undertaken a systematic global effort to contact all active trial investigators to rapidly gather the data needed to grade and perform meta-analyses. Data Sources: Data were sourced from published peer-reviewed studies, manuscripts posted to preprint servers, expert meta-analyses, and numerous epidemiological analyses of regions with ivermectin distribution campaigns. Therapeutic Advances: A large majority of randomized and observational controlled trials of ivermectin are reporting repeated, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes. Numerous prophylaxis trials demonstrate that regular ivermectin use leads to large reductions in transmission. Multiple, large "natural experiments" occurred in regions that initiated "ivermectin distribution" campaigns followed by tight, reproducible, temporally associated decreases in case counts and case fatality rates compared with nearby regions without such campaigns. Conclusions: Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly
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Ci, Li, Yu, Avermectin exerts antiinflammatory effect by downregulating the nuclear transcription factor kappa-B and mitogen-activated protein kinase activation pathway, Fundam Clin Pharmacol
Consortium, Repurposed antiviral drugs for covid-19-interim WHO solidarity trial results, New Engl J Med
Crump, Omura, Ivermectin,'wonder drug'from Japan: the human use perspective, Proc Jpn Acad Ser B
Dahabreh, Sheldrick, Paulus, Do observational studies using propensity score methods agree with randomized trials? A systematic comparison of studies on acute coronary syndromes, Eur Heart J
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Espitia-Hernandez, Munguia, Diaz-Chiguer, Effects of Ivermectin-Azithromycin-Cholecalciferol Combined Therapy on COVID-19 Infected Patients: A Proof of Concept Study
Gardon, Gardon-Wendel, Demanga, Serious reactions after mass treatment of onchocerciasis with ivermectin in an area endemic for Loa loa infection, Lancet
Gorial, Mashhadani, Sayaly, Effectiveness of ivermectin as add-on therapy in COVID-19 management, medRxiv, doi:10.1101/2020.07.07.20145979
Gupta, Biswal, Panda, Binding mechanism and structural insights into the identified protein target of COVID-19 and importin-alpha with in-vitro effective drug ivermectin, J Biomol Struct Dyn
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Götz, Magar, Dornfeld, Influenza A viruses escape from MxA restriction at the expense of efficient nuclear vRNP import, Sci Rep
H Ector, Roberto, Psaltis, Study of the efficacy and safety of topical ivermectin+ iota-carrageenan in the prophylaxis against COVID-19 in health personnel, J Biomed Res Clin Investig
Hashim, Maulood, Rasheed, Controlled randomized clinical trial on using Ivermectin with Doxycycline for treating COVID-19 patients in Baghdad, Iraq, doi:10.1101/2020.10.26.20219345
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{ 'indexed': {'date-parts': [[2024, 5, 3]], 'date-time': '2024-05-03T18:40:09Z', 'timestamp': 1714761609574}, 'reference-count': 67, 'publisher': 'Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)', 'issue': '3', 'license': [ { 'start': { 'date-parts': [[2021, 4, 22]], 'date-time': '2021-04-22T00:00:00Z', 'timestamp': 1619049600000}, 'content-version': 'unspecified', 'delay-in-days': 0, 'URL': ''}], 'content-domain': {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False}, 'abstract': '<jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:title>Background:</jats:title>\n' ' <jats:p>After COVID-19 emerged on U.S shores, providers began reviewing the ' 'emerging basic science, translational, and clinical data to identify potentially effective ' 'treatment options. In addition, a multitude of both novel and repurposed therapeutic agents ' 'were used empirically and studied within clinical trials.</jats:p>\n' ' </jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:title>Areas of Uncertainty:</jats:title>\n' ' <jats:p>The majority of trialed agents have failed to provide reproducible, ' 'definitive proof of efficacy in reducing the mortality of COVID-19 with the exception of ' 'corticosteroids in moderate to severe disease. Recently, evidence has emerged that the oral ' 'antiparasitic agent ivermectin exhibits numerous antiviral and anti-inflammatory mechanisms ' 'with trial results reporting significant outcome benefits. Given some have not passed peer ' 'review, several expert groups including Unitaid/World Health Organization have undertaken a ' 'systematic global effort to contact all active trial investigators to rapidly gather the data ' 'needed to grade and perform meta-analyses.</jats:p>\n' ' </jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:title>Data Sources:</jats:title>\n' ' <jats:p>Data were sourced from published peer-reviewed studies, manuscripts ' 'posted to preprint servers, expert meta-analyses, and numerous epidemiological analyses of ' 'regions with ivermectin distribution campaigns.</jats:p>\n' ' </jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:title>Therapeutic Advances:</jats:title>\n' ' <jats:p>A large majority of randomized and observational controlled trials of ' 'ivermectin are reporting repeated, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes. ' 'Numerous prophylaxis trials demonstrate that regular ivermectin use leads to large reductions ' 'in transmission. Multiple, large “natural experiments” occurred in regions that initiated ' '“ivermectin distribution” campaigns followed by tight, reproducible, temporally associated ' 'decreases in case counts and case fatality rates compared with nearby regions without such ' 'campaigns.</jats:p>\n' ' </jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:sec>\n' ' <jats:title>Conclusions:</jats:title>\n' ' <jats:p>Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ' 'ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, ' 'time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous ' 'controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with ' 'the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution ' 'campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that ' 'an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.</jats:p>\n' ' </jats:sec>', 'DOI': '10.1097/mjt.0000000000001377', 'type': 'journal-article', 'created': {'date-parts': [[2021, 5, 5]], 'date-time': '2021-05-05T12:33:02Z', 'timestamp': 1620217982000}, 'page': 'e299-e318', 'source': 'Crossref', 'is-referenced-by-count': 100, 'title': 'Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and ' 'Treatment of COVID-19', 'prefix': '10.1097', 'volume': '28', 'author': [ { 'given': 'Pierre', 'family': 'Kory', 'sequence': 'first', 'affiliation': [{'name': 'Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, Madison, WI;'}]}, { 'given': 'Gianfranco Umberto', 'family': 'Meduri', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [ { 'name': 'Memphis VA Medical Center—University of Tennessee Health Science ' 'Center, Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Research Services, ' 'Memphis, TN;'}]}, { 'given': 'Joseph', 'family': 'Varon', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [ { 'name': 'University of Texas Health Science Center, Critical Care ' 'Service, Houston, TX;'}]}, { 'given': 'Jose', 'family': 'Iglesias', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [ { 'name': 'Department of Medicine, Hackensack School of Medicine, Seton ' 'Hall, NJ; and'}]}, { 'given': 'Paul E.', 'family': 'Marik', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [ { 'name': 'Eastern Virginia Medical School, Division of Pulmonary and ' 'Critical Care, Norfolk, VA.'}]}], 'member': '276', 'published-online': {'date-parts': [[2021, 5]]}, 'reference': [ { 'key': 'R1-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '32', 'DOI': '10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.6820', 'article-title': 'Effect of tocilizumab vs usual care in adults hospitalized with ' 'COVID-19 and moderate or severe pneumonia: a randomized clinical trial', 'volume': '181', 'author': 'Hermine', 'year': '2021', 'journal-title': 'JAMA Intern Med.'}, { 'key': 'R2-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '24', 'DOI': '10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.6615', 'article-title': 'Effect of tocilizumab vs standard care on clinical worsening in ' 'patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia: a randomized clinical ' 'trial', 'volume': '181', 'author': 'Salvarani', 'year': '2021', 'journal-title': 'JAMA Intern Med.'}, { 'key': 'R3-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': 'm3939', 'DOI': '10.1136/bmj.m3939', 'article-title': 'Convalescent plasma in the management of moderate covid-19 in adults in ' 'India: open label phase II multicentre randomised controlled trial ' '(PLACID Trial)', 'volume': '371', 'author': 'Agarwal', 'year': '2020', 'journal-title': 'BMJ'}, { 'key': 'R4-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '497', 'DOI': '10.1056/NEJMoa2023184', 'article-title': 'Repurposed antiviral drugs for covid-19— interim WHO solidarity trial ' 'results', 'volume': '384', 'author': 'Consortium', 'year': '2020', 'journal-title': 'New Engl J Med.'}, { 'key': 'R6-20230917', 'first-page': '693', 'article-title': 'Dexamethasone in hospitalized patients with Covid-19-preliminary report', 'volume': '384', 'author': 'Horby', 'year': '2020', 'journal-title': 'New Engl J Med.'}, { 'key': 'R7-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '13', 'DOI': '10.2183/pjab.87.13', 'article-title': 'Ivermectin,‘wonder drug’from Japan: the human use perspective', 'volume': '87', 'author': 'Crump', 'year': '2011', 'journal-title': 'Proc Jpn Acad Ser B'}, { 'key': 'R8-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '58', 'DOI': '10.1186/s40249-015-0091-8', 'article-title': 'Nobel prize for the artemisinin and ivermectin discoveries: a great ' 'boost towards elimination of the global infectious diseases of poverty', 'volume': '4', 'author': 'Tambo', 'year': '2015', 'journal-title': 'Infect Dis Poverty'}, { 'key': 'R9-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '358', 'DOI': '10.1038/s41598-017-18742-8', 'article-title': 'Recognition by host nuclear transport proteins drives disorder-to-order ' 'transition in Hendra virus V', 'volume': '8', 'author': 'Atkinson', 'year': '2018', 'journal-title': 'Sci Rep.'}, { 'key': 'R10-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '104760', 'DOI': '10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104760', 'article-title': 'The broad spectrum antiviral ivermectin targets the host nuclear ' 'transport importin α/β1 heterodimer', 'volume': '177', 'author': 'Yang', 'year': '2020', 'journal-title': 'Antivir Res'}, { 'key': 'R11-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '23138', 'DOI': '10.1038/srep23138', 'article-title': 'Influenza A viruses escape from MxA restriction at the expense of ' 'efficient nuclear vRNP import', 'volume': '6', 'author': 'Götz', 'year': '2016', 'journal-title': 'Sci Rep.'}, { 'key': 'R12-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '55', 'DOI': '10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.09.010', 'article-title': 'Ivermectin inhibits DNA polymerase UL42 of pseudorabies virus entrance ' 'into the nucleus and proliferation of the virus in vitro and vivo', 'volume': '159', 'author': 'Lv', 'year': '2018', 'journal-title': 'Antivir Res'}, { 'key': 'R13-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '1884', 'DOI': '10.1093/jac/dks147', 'article-title': 'Ivermectin is a potent inhibitor of flavivirus replication specifically ' 'targeting NS3 helicase activity: new prospects for an old drug', 'volume': '67', 'author': 'Mastrangelo', 'year': '2012', 'journal-title': 'J Antimicrob Chemother.'}, { 'key': 'R14-20230917', 'doi-asserted-by': 'crossref', 'first-page': '301', 'DOI': '10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.06.002', 'article-title': 'Nuclear localization of dengue virus (DENV) 1–4 non-structural protein ' '5; protection against all 4 DENV serotypes by the inhibitor Ivermectin', 'volume': 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